Tuesday, January 17, 2012

AB 469 Notice to Employees at Time of Hire

One of the many laws that affected employers in California for 2012 is AB 469 called the Wage Theft Prevention Act of 2011.  It requires, among other things, that employers provide a notice to employees at the time of hire (conceivably so it is much easier to sue you).  The Department of Industrial Relations recently posted a template that employers can use to comply with the AB 469 notice requirement.  It is located at http://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/LC_2810.5_Notice.pdf


  1. We have incorporated the required information into our job offer letter, trying to not draw unneeded attention to it.

    It is interesting that this information is now required, considering that generally we are At-Will employees and the terms of employment can change with or without reason or notice. With this notice requirement, I think it is ever more imperative that we set a clear expectation of at-will employment from the beginning.

  2. The best way to maintain at will employment is with an at will employment agreement with an integration clause. Unfortunately with ab 469 you are required to give employees a new notice whenever the informTion changes. And don't forget that the law requires a signature from the employee.


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